Patents & Invention Disclosures
Simaan, N., Chitale, R., Del Giudice, G., Abah, C., "Smart Multi-Articulated Catheters with Safety Methods and Systems for Image-guided Collaborative Intravascular Deployment" , International Application PCT/US2020/051009, granted as #WO/2021/055428.
Simaan, N., Abah, C., Chitale, R., Luo, H., "Smart Catheters: Assistive Perception for Effective Thrombus Retrieval and Aneurysm Embolization", Vanderbilt Invention Report VU21036, filed 10/23/2020.
Simaan, N., Abah, C., Orekhov, A., "Continuum Robots with Adaptive Geometry and Performance Characteristics" Vanderbilt Invention Report VU181716, filed 05/17/2018.
Journal Publications
Abah, C., Orekhov, A., Johnston, Simaan, N., "A Multi-Modal Sensor Array for Human-Robot Interaction and Confined Spaces Exploration Using Continuum Robots", IEEE Sensors Journal, 2022 (in press).
Abah, C., Jared P. Lawson, Chitale, R., Simaan, N., "Self-steering Microcatheter for Endovascular Navigation: Kinematic Modelling, Preoperative Path Planning, Intraoperative Tracking, and Semi-automated Control", The International Journal of Robotics Research, in preparation.
Abah, C., Jared P. Lawson, Chitale, R., Simaan, N., "Smart Aspiration Catheters: Assistive Perception for Effective Endovascular Clot Retrieval", IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, in preparation.
Holland, D., Abah, C., Velasco-Enriquez, M., Herman M., Bennett, G., Vela, E. and Walsh, C., "The Soft Robotics Toolkit: Strategies for Overcoming Obstacles to the Wide Dissemination of Soft-Robotic Hardware", IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 57-64,DOI: 10.1109/MRA.2016.2639067, 2017.
Payne, C., Wamala, I., Abah, C., Thalhofer, T., Saeed, M., Bautisda-Salinas, D., Horvath, M., Vasilyev, N., Roche, E., Pigula, F. and Walsh, C., "An Implantable Extracardiac Soft Robotic Device for the Failing Heart: Mechanical Coupling and Synchronization", Soft Robotics Journal, Vol. 4, No. 3, pp. 241 - 250, DOI 0.1089/soro.2016.0076, 2017.
Payne, C. , Wamala, I., Bautisda-Salinas, D., Saeed, M., Van Story, D., Thalhofer, T., Horvath, M., Abah, C., Pedro, J., Walsh, C., M., Vasilyev, "Soft robotic ventricular assist device with septal bracing for therapy of heart failure", Science Robotics, Vol. 2, No. 12, DOI: 10.1126/scirobotics.aan6736, 2017 [video].
Conference Publications
Abah, C., Chitale, R., Simaan, N., "Image-Guided Optimization of Robotic Catheters for Patient-Specific Endovascular Intervention", International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2021.
Abah, C., Del Giudice, G., Shihora, N., Chitale, R., Simaan, N., "Towards Semi-Automated Mechanical Thrombectomy: Path Planning Considerations for a Double Articulated Microcatheter", In the Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (p. 67), London, UK, 2019.
Abah, C., Orekhov, A., Johnston, G., Yin, P., Choset, H., Simaan, N., "A Multi-Modal Sensor Array for Safe Human Robot Interaction and Mapping", IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Montreal, Canada, 2019. [video]
Abah, C., Orekhov, A., Simaan, N., "Design Considerations and Redundancy Resolution for Variable Geometry Continuum Robots", IEEE International Conference on Robotics & Automation (ICRA), Brisbane, Australia, 2018. [video]
Yasin, R., Wang, L., Abah, C., Simaan, N., "Using Continuum Robots for Force-Controlled Semi-Autonomous Organ Exploration and Registration", the International Symposium on Medical Robotics (ISMR), Atlanta, GA, 2018 (finalist for best student paper award).
Payne, C.J., Wamala, I., Abah, C., Thalhofer, T., Saeed, M., Bautista-Salinas, D., Horvath, M.A., Vasilyev, N.V., Roche, E.T., Pigula, F.A. and Walsh, C. J., Wearable Soft Robotic Device Supports the Failing Heart in vivo. In The Hamlyn Symposium on Medical Robotics (p. 37), London, UK, 2017.
Book Chapters
Orekhov, A., Abah, C., Simaan, N. “Snake-Like Robots for Minimally Invasive, Single Port, and Intraluminal Surgeries”, The Encyclopedia of Medical Robotics, vol.1, pp. 203-243, World Scientific, 2018.
Orekhov, A. L., Johnston, G. L., Abah, C., "An In-situ Collaborative Robot for Manufacturing in Confined Spaces" in ASME Student Mechanism & Robot Design Competition (SMRDC), August 2021 (1st Place, Graduate Division).
Orekhov, A. L., Johnston, G. L., Abah, C., Choset H., and Simaan, N., "Towards Collaborative Robots with Sensory Awareness: Preliminary Results Using Multi-Modal Sensing," in ICRA 2019 workshop "Physical human-robot interaction: a design focus", May 2019. [video]
Abah, C., Wootten, C., Yasin, R. and Simaan, N., "A high-fidelity infant skull phantom model for surgical approaches to the nose and nasopharynx", American Society of Pediatric Otolaryngology (ASPO) meeting, Austin, TX, 2017.